Her In Sight 


This work was done during the Bait Shouaib Residency by Athr Foundation, in Al Balad, Jeddah, KSA. 

These prints are all one of one large negatives hand printed within the roshan-turned-camera-obscura in the Bait Shouaib residence. The roshan has historically been a space for women to see while remaining unseen, looking into the public while remaining within the privacy of one’s interior space. By print- ing images directly onto silver gelatin paper from the light bouncing in from the exterior, which in this case is that of Bait Nassif and the courtyard, the process reflects the function this architectural roshan element lends itself to.

The line between what is public and private are materially merged through the medium of light entering the porous roshan space to suggest the more interwoven relationship of our sight to space.